Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Invasive Species: The Zebra Mussel

Zebra Mussel: An Unwelcome Visitor
By: Karin A. Tammi
Picture: This picture shows a shopping cart that was pulled from the Great Lakes' waters, which are infested with zebra mussels. This picture really shows the damage the zebra mussels can cause.
Zebra mussels are an invasive species that are causing harm to aquatic ecosystems in North America. They are also causing a lot of damage in the Great Lakes region. Zebra mussels were originally found in Asia and slowly moved their way into Europe. Although scientists are not completely sure how this species got to the United States, they think that these mussels were brought to the United States by a European cargo ship that dumped water into the Great Lakes in the mid-1980’s. This species has been in the United States and the Great Lakes ever since then. They can  be transported very easily. Some common ways of transportation include boats, trailers and bait buckets that zebra mussels attach themselves to. Zebra mussels have the ability to filter water, but this could cause a problem with the aquatic food chains. They are taking water space and food away from aquatic animals because their population is so large. They also reproduce in huge amount. The average amount of eggs for a female mussel per year is 100,000. This species is causing a huge economic problem because they are attaching themselves to water intake pipes, wells and screen systems. It will cost about $300,950 to fix the problems that the zebra mussels have created. They are causing many water problems and they need to be controlled.
It is very interesting to see how much damage an invasive speices can cause. We have been learning about invasive species like the cockroach in class, but this article really put it in perspective for me. We need to do our best from stopping invasive species population from growing too large and make sure we are not spreading invasive species to other areas and habitats. I have never heard about zebra mussels, but now I will know to look out for them and other invasive species. Invasive species could cause a lot of problems for humans and other animals of the food chain. Although a few of an invasive species may be a good thing, we need to learn how to control the populations of these species, so that they do not cause any harm or danger. 
1. How can we stop invasive species from causing harm to other animals?
2. What are some examples of other invasive species that cause harm in the United States?
3. What can boat owners do to prevent the spread of zebra mussels?
4. Where is the biggest population of zebra mussels located? 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Save the Endangered Tigers
Picture: This picture shows what innocent creatures people are killing everyday and we need to do everything to stop them
Summary: Tigers are one of the most majestic mammals on the face of the earth, but they are no match for humans. There has been estimates done that say only about 3200 tigers are left in the wild, with about 5000 left in captivity. All six sub-species are either endangered and becoming extinct or are already extinct. The main reason for the majority lose of the tigers is humans. Tiger hunting was a ancient sport with royalty keeping them as pets. Also some say that the tigers claw has speical supernatural powers. Everything on the tiger some say has some type of high price value, from their fur to even their eyes. Another huge factor to the endangerment of the tigers is the lose of natural habitat. Humans have been tearing down and moving into where the tigers naturally live and forcing them out. The tiger are natural pedators and can save themselves from any natural disater, we as humans are something they can not save themselves from.
Opinion: I am shocked to see just how little tigers we have left on this earth. 7000 may seem like alot left but we are losing so many as we talk that if we do not do anything, we will soon have none left. I think us as a nation need to start paying attention to the endangered species we have because soon enough they will be gone and then everyone will care when we can do nothing about it.
1. Why won't people stop hunting the tigers even though they are endangered and are going to die out?
2. What can we do to stop the hunting of the tigers?
3. What are the two main reasons of the endangerment of the tigers?
4. Why have the tigers been hunted to almost extinction and what is going on to try and stop it?

By: Kate Hollenbeck

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Extinction - The Five Mass Exinctions

How Invasive Species Can Trigger Mass Extinctions

Picture: This picture is depicted as the asteroid that supposedly hit Earth, creating the most recent mass extinction Earth has ever faced. 
Summary: There have been five mass extinctions throughout Earth’s history. From 434 million years ago to 65 million years ago, the time periods were wide but the overall results of all of these extinctions were deadly. The first of these five was back at the end of the Ordovician, 434 million years ago. Around this time, 60% of sea and land life was exterminated from the global freezing and warming of Earth, causing sea levels todip and rise dramatically. Next, during the Late Devonian Extinction 360 million years ago, marine life was affected with major consequences. The third, and worst, event happened 250 million years ago when 95% of all species were wiped out, with speculation as to the cause. The fourth major event, 200 million years ago, is what caused about  80% of all land quadrupeds and half of marine invertebrates to become extinct. This event was likely caused by a volcano that opened up in the Atlantic Ocean, leading to a harmful period of global warming. And most recently, 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs who roamed the Earth were wiped out from what people speculate to be an asteroid collision. Large land animals, plants, and tropical marine life all became extinct or were greatly impacted.
Opinion: Before reading this article, I never knew that there were five mass extinctions in Earth’s history. I always thought there was one; the event that decimated all the dinosaurs on Earth. It is interesting to see how Earth was impacted by five major extinctions but still managed to recover from these events. 65 million years ago seems like a very long time in human years, but in actuality it is not very long when the entire life span of the Earth is considered. It is frightening how various events can wipe out an entire species.
1. Is there a possibility for a sixth mass extinction in the future? If so, when is it predicted to happen?
2. How did scientists recover information to prove that there were five extinctions in Earth’s history?
3. What other species other than the dinosaur became extinct from the five mass extinctions? 
4. How powerful were the events to have the capability of decimating an entire species or land?

-Angela Mei


Biodiversity                                                                             By: Jenna Cutilli
Pictures: This picture is an example of biodiversity in oceans. But imagine this picture without any fish or coral reefs. It would have a whole lot of nothing. Why would we want to take away from this beautiful habitat?
Summary: Biodiversity is a variety of different species and ecosystems on earth. With biodiversity, humans were able to find resources on this planet to help them make life more enjoyable. Though, since we started using these resources, biodiversity is starting to cut down. Species are starting to become extinct and the ecosystem is being threatened by losing its cycles. The article states “Some estimates put the loss at up to 140,000 species per year (based on Species-area theory).” If this problem is continuous, the human race could be jeopardized. Some ways we can help the planet is recycling, reducing waste, buying organic food, or walking/cycle to work or school. These little efforts could help save earth.
Opinion: Before reading this article, I didn’t know what biodiversity was and how I was affecting it. This is a serious problem that not many people pay attention to and could hurt humans in the end. If we keep on being careless about biodiversity, we might not be living for very long. People need to start learning about this problem and try to help. If we can convince many people to help, earth will become healthier and live longer. We will also be saving multiple species lives and making a difference.
11.      Why do people usually ignore biodiversity?
22.      How can these changes listed in the first paragraph help the earth in the long run?
33.      How are wastes and pollution harmful to biodiversity?
44.      What will you do to help this problem?
---Jenna C.