Thursday, February 23, 2012


Biodiversity                                                                             By: Jenna Cutilli
Pictures: This picture is an example of biodiversity in oceans. But imagine this picture without any fish or coral reefs. It would have a whole lot of nothing. Why would we want to take away from this beautiful habitat?
Summary: Biodiversity is a variety of different species and ecosystems on earth. With biodiversity, humans were able to find resources on this planet to help them make life more enjoyable. Though, since we started using these resources, biodiversity is starting to cut down. Species are starting to become extinct and the ecosystem is being threatened by losing its cycles. The article states “Some estimates put the loss at up to 140,000 species per year (based on Species-area theory).” If this problem is continuous, the human race could be jeopardized. Some ways we can help the planet is recycling, reducing waste, buying organic food, or walking/cycle to work or school. These little efforts could help save earth.
Opinion: Before reading this article, I didn’t know what biodiversity was and how I was affecting it. This is a serious problem that not many people pay attention to and could hurt humans in the end. If we keep on being careless about biodiversity, we might not be living for very long. People need to start learning about this problem and try to help. If we can convince many people to help, earth will become healthier and live longer. We will also be saving multiple species lives and making a difference.
11.      Why do people usually ignore biodiversity?
22.      How can these changes listed in the first paragraph help the earth in the long run?
33.      How are wastes and pollution harmful to biodiversity?
44.      What will you do to help this problem?
---Jenna C.


  1. After reading this article, it is clear that biodiversity is something that needs to be taken into consideration. It horrible to see that that up to 140,000 species are at loss per year. If you think about it, in the long run not only the population on Earth could decrease, but the fact that Earth is known for its variety of life can be destroyed. Personally, I didn't think that simple ways like buying organic food could help the Earth out in the aspect of biodiversity. I never even stopped to think about how recycling in a daily basis is taking a step forward to preserving the Earth's various species. I think people need to realize that not worrying about biodiversity is not only harming the Earth, but its threatening the human species. Biodiversity should really be a concern more wide spread.

    This is a link that shows how pollution can impact a species which will impact biodiversity...

    Wastes and pollution can be tragic in moving towards the extinction of a certain species which will decrease biodiversity. The article above shows how water pollution impacted Harbour Porpoises in the Baltic and North Seas, and in Danish, Icelandic, and Norwegian coastal waters. Wastes and pollution can not only harm the habitats of species, it can also harm their food and water sources. The species can then by slowly killed off by disease or starvation and this will lead to a decrease in biodiversity. Pollutants and waste play a big role in harming the biodiversity of areas.

  2. I never knew that up to 140,000 species are lost a year - that number is huge and should not be. I think everyone needs to pay more attention to the biodiversity issue and realize what is being done to harm these species and stop it, or reduce it. From the article, there is a list of simple things that can be done to stop the the biodiversity issue, such as recycling unwanted household items and waste. I never realized how little you can do to make a huge contribution to the ending of biodiversity loss. I personally am lazy about recycling - although I still do it, I do not go out of my way to recycle items. However, after reading about the biodiversity in this article, I will definitely pay more attention to what I do and ways I can ultimately help reverse the biodiversity issue.

    This article gives a description on why humans ignore nature in general, and biodiversity:

    Much of this article refers to how humans are big-brained, invasive mammals that seem to do whatever they want. Humans easily realize the damage they are causing, but do not do anything about it. The article describes humans as people who “band-aid” the destructive habits they have developed without doing much to reverse the affects. Most of the reason for ignorance of biodiversity is because they are ignorant. Although people are knowledgeable about inhumanity and negative ecological effects humans are causing, they ignore it and continue to contribute subliminally to the issue by doing things such as purchasing unnecessary goods. Overall, the main source of ignorance towards biodiversity is simply human ignorance and the yearning for individual wants.

  3. Opinion/Reflection: 
I agree with this post because people should start caring more about biodiversity to help the human race and other species live longer lives. This post connects with the unit we just started. It connects with the homework we had to do about biodiversity hot spots. Hot Spots are areas of high biodiversity, which contain many unknown species and do not have a large human population near them. They need to be protected so that scientists can learn more about unknown species and so more species can develop, stay safe and obtain environmental stability. Hot spots and this article show that biodiversity needs to be protected. I am helping biodiversity by recycling at my home. This makes me realize that I need to help keep ecosystems safe and in action, so that our world remains balanced. Biodiversity is very important to humans and other species, so we need to keep it protected. 

    Answer to Question #4: To help keep biodiversity in action I will recycle at home and at school and I will also try to go food shopping with my mom and purchase organic food.

  4. After reading this article i agree that people should start paying attention too and caring more about biodiversity before it is all gone. Biodiversity plays a huge role in our lives as well and the welfare of the earth itself. Natural habitat is lost due to deforestation and that not only kills plants and animals but adds more harmful chemicals for us to breathe in as well. It is scary that 14,000 species are estimated to be lost per year. Some people may say well who cares, we have over 10 million species in the world, but if we keep decreasing how we are, the species we know and love are going to be gone forever. Humans don't have to do much to protect biodiversity, just simple things like recycle old clothes, books and reduce waste around the world. Simple things like that could help biodiversity and help the earth as well.
    Answer to Question #1 : People usually ignore biodiversity because they don't think it is as big of a problem as global warming or what is going on with the lasted political scandal. They don't realize what a huge impact it has on human welfare
