Friday, March 2, 2012

Humans Impacting Water Cycle


This picture shows how humans impact 
the water cycle in a negative way through
 factors like pollution

Humans have been and continue on disrupting the water cycle in various ways. One of the main ways is through pollution. The toxins harm water in all its forms of water, liquid and gas, and even when it returns to the phase of freshwater the quality is usually not at its best. Depletion of aquifiers, in other words underground water, is another cause of disruption. There is an over extraction and process of drilling to recieve freshwater. Annual rainfall and melting of snow packs are rechargers for aquifiers, however the pace that humans are using it at is too fast paced for the aquifiers to replenish. Because of this, there is a lesser amount of water in the underground lakes that used to be abundant. Also, damming of rivers and streams impeded the water flow, which harms fish and other organisms. Humans have also urbanized/industrialized our environments which has had impacts on the natural water cycle. Soils have been replaced with cements, trees that control water runoff have been removed, and they have caused a lack of water resources for human activities. Our species has impacted the water cycle negatively and indirectly by causing global warming. Global warming leads to melting snow changes, rises in sea levels, climate change to warmer temperatures and weather patterns have been altered. Just by adding to global warming we are indirectly but still disrupting the water cycle every day. 

It is truly shocking to see the number of ways we alter the water cycle which usually doesn't end up with good results. We are slowly creating a shortage of water resources and sooner or later we might lead up to point where we will end up questioning the quality of our daily water that we drink. The water cycle is a natural factor, so I never really thought about humans even being able to impact the cycle. However, after reading this article, I realized that our society disrupts the water cycle everyday by doing simple things like building sites, and extracting water from underground. I believe we should try to conserve our water and let the water cycle run the way it is supposed to be without being a nuisance, which will ensure that our water is plenty and high quality.


1) Is there an effective way to get necessary water from underground without causing disturbances?

2) What can society do other than using up too much of water to let the water cycle run naturally?

3) How many other ways do humans impact the water cycle on a daily basis that we don't even think about or realize?

4) If we keep disrupting the water cycle, will it ever get to a point where it won't go through the cycle like normal and cause issues?

5) Are there any organizations that run to preserve natural cycles on Earth?


  1. Opinion/Reflection: I already knew that humans could have an impact on cycles, but never knew they could damage it this much. It is shocking to think that my grandparents did not have to worry about clean water, but my kids might have to. I hope that humans begin to realize what we are doing. It could be so easy to stop the decrease in water and stop global warming. All we need to do is stop polluting and building so many structures. This reminds me of when we were learning about human impacts on the carbon cycle. We leanred that humans are burning too many fossil fuels. This is causing for more carbon in the atmosphere and could have a negative effect on the Earth. Humans are selfish and need to start caring more about the environment and less about their wants like our huge SUVs that guzzle so mas gas.
    Answer to Question:
    1. I think that wells could be an effective way to get water from underground without causing any disturbances. I know a few families who have wells, but more families should get one. Wells could provide families with clean underground water and could eventually lower their water bills.

  2. Before I read this article, I did not think twice about how I use water and how people are altering it’s cycle. I also did not realize that toxins could affect all different types of water. I agree with Chandni when she said we could get to a point in our lives where we will be questioning what water we drink. We as the world need to be more cautious about what toxins we put out and how much we urbanize/industrialize. Places on this earth should be kept as forests and open grasslands not buildings that give out pollution.

    1.What kinds of toxins are hurting our water resources the most?
    2.What would happen to the human race if all the water on earth is contaminated?
    3.How can we make new homes and buildings more eco-friendly?

    1. It mind-blowing how humans can impact water and the water cycle so negatively. I agree with Chandni’s statement of how the water cycle is a natural factor, and how weird it is to think that humans can influence something natural. I do think that urbanization and industrialization has gone out of hand. Humans care too much about getting more and more advanced, and they forget to help preserve their own environment. If a simple building can impact the water cycle negatively, I do not even want to think about the damage all of our cities and industrialized areas have done to the water cycle. I think we should do what we can to minimize the toxins being released into the water cycle to ensure safe and healthy water.

      1) How long has the issue of humans negatively impacting the water cycle been around?
      2) How much total damage has been done by humans to the water cycle since the issue has been brought to attention?
      3) Is it possible to reduce the amount of toxins that are already released into the water cycle? If so, how?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Before I read this article I had little idea how much humans disturbed the water cycle. I knew that we populated some water, but I dis not realize it was every form of water that we added toxins too. Humans think that they can go along and bulid dams and drill water from underground, but soon enough it is going to catch up with us. Also with global warmimg starting to become a bigger problem we reallly need to watch out. Global warming shows how much we are effecting the water cycle also by the melting if snow which causes a rise in sea levels.
    1. Do humans effect anyother cycles? If so, which ones?
    2. What would life be like if humans did not effect the water cycle?
    3. How harmful are the toxins we are adding to the water? Can they kill us?
