Monday, April 30, 2012

Starbucks-recycles.gif (306×347)
How Starbucks is Changing Packaging
By: Sam Oches
published data not available and article found on website-
Picture: This picture shows what Starbucks is trying to do with their company and recycling.

In the article, Sam Oches quotes Jim Hanna, director of environmental impacts for Starbucks, saying What you’ve seen in the past is somebody will call a product recyclable based on the materiality of that product and not necessarily whether or not it’s actually able to get recycled.” Starbucks is trying to find a way to have their cups be 100% recyclable in communities where their businesses are located. They have decided to adjust each store’s cups to the recycling requirements in that town or city. Starbucks knows where their cups end up and they know that the cups do not get recycled properly because they are not the right materials. Starbucks has been trying for years to have the best eco-friendly cups for their company. With Starbucks having this great design, they are trying to include their competitors to join in and use a similar design to help the ecosystem. They are also trying to create an infrastructure that is able to deliver the products successfully to recycling facilities. The testing for this product began in September of 2011 and is hoping to be a good alternative for non-recyclable cups for years to come.

After reading this article, I never realized that recycling is different all over the country. I always thought everyone had the same recycling requirements. I also thought this was interesting how long Starbucks has been creating their cups to be 100% recyclable. They have put a huge amount of effort into making their cups recyclable. Now whenever I go into a Starbucks and get my double chocolaty chip frappuccino, I will think about the dedication environmentalists have put into that cup and recycle the cup instead of throwing it into the regular trash.

11)      What are some other alternatives to recycling the cups?
22)      If this idea works, how can it help the ecosystem in the long run?
33)      Why are the recycling requirements different all over the country?


  1. I think that it great that companies of all sorts are starting to go eco friendly and save our environment. A small thing like non-recyclable cups can soon add up to mass amounts of plastics in the ocean and in landfills. This reminds me of how I was impacted in class when we saw artwork done by Chris Jordan on how many plastic cups are wasted in airlines. This issue of items that are not able to be recycled has really started scaring me, and I believe that all people should start realizing the consequences of wasting and hurting the environment. Also, thinking that Starbucks has started using eco-friendly cups and competitors are starting to as well is wonderful. The problem with issues like these, is no one person wants to be the beginning step. After reading this article I was also surprised like Jenna, that there are differing recycling requirements around the world. I always though rules that relate to recycling are the same everywhere. The one thing I don't understand is why people can't take the mere second to recycle instead of throwing it out in the trash. I can only imagine what environmentalists must think about our society, and how much more complicated we are making their job. I think that there should be stronger enforcements about recycling and maybe even fines or consequences for not obeying the enforcement. It seems to be like that is the only way people will understand and stop wasting. It is horrible to think that people in our societies refuse to respect the land they live on, and something as simple as recycling has to be forced. If we keeping adding waste to our Earth, there is no place for it to go, and will start contaminating our land we live on. If and when this starts occuring, it will be too late for people to fix the environment. Not only our land, but our oceans and bodies of water have started to become contaminated because of products that are unable to be recycled. I think Starbucks has taken a great step in trying to help the environment and in my opinion if a famous group like Starbucks has started to become eco-friendly, it will most likely catch on to other big companies as well.


    1)Are there any places in any other countries where government has taken strong action with recycling? Is there a ban anywhere to use materials that are not able to be recycled?

    2)What are recycling requirements, and how do they vary in different areas of the world? What good does having different requirements do?

    3)Are there any companies or groups that deny or refuse to switch to eco-friendly items? If so, is it for the money making or just disobedience?

    4)What other plans do environmentalists have to progress with eco friendly products? Are they currently working on any projects that may help the areas around the world to be more eco friendly?

  2. Opinion: In my opinion, Starbucks is doing the right thing for the environment, and many other companies should also follow in their footsteps. As Jenna also said, I never knew recycling and recycling materials are different from city to city. However, it’s great how Starbucks is keeping that in mind, so towns and cities everywhere will be able to recycle their cups. After reading this article, I thought of the “plastic soup” our class talked about, and how parts of the ocean are filled with plastic cups and other items that are left there. In that plastic soup are probably cups or bottles from companies with non-recyclable items. I wonder if the “plastic soup” can eventually stop if all the companies that use plastic cups switched to 100% recyclable cups. Overall, it’s really inspiring how Starbucks keeps the environment in mind instead of only their company. Hopefully other companies will follow them and we can eventually rid our environment of non-recycled waste.


    In this Yahoo article, it talks about health and beauty companies going green and changing their packaging to one that is more environmentally friendly. Companies such as Whole Foods, and Proctor and Gamble (a large company that owns other beauty companies) will change their packaging to recycled materials, glass, and/or non-toxic materials.

  3. Opinion: This article is very inspiring and should set an example for alot of other companies out there. You can find a Starbucks in almost every city or town. It is amazing how they are trying to accomadate for every place to be able to recycle their Starbucks' cups. I cannot imagine the amount of research and time it took to make sure every place where a Starbucks is, to be able to recycle their cups according to that certain city's requirments. I did not know that each place has different requirements. This may make it harder for companies to go eco-friendly. It is good to see that Starbucks is dedicated to going green. I hope other companies do the same. I also found it suprising that Starbucks is working with their competition, so that those companies go eco-friendly too. For Starbucks to help their competition all for the health of the environment is great! Other companies should learn fromm them and go green too. This connects to containers and serving plates at Bryn and Dane's. Bryn and Dane's uses eco-friendly napkins, plates and containers to serve their food. Like Starbucks they are promoting and making recycling easier. Many companies should use Starbucks and Bryn and Dane's as a postive example.
    This video explains the benefits of Starbucks' new recyclable cups. They have made a huge, postive impact on the environment. For example, these cups have saved 300,000 trees.

  4. Opinion: I find it amazing how different recycling is in different parts of the country. Like Jenna I had always thought that they were the same rules and relegations throughout the US. I also find it amazing how much effort Starbucks is going through to make there cups eco-friendly. To make each store have a different cup is time and money costly. But still they choose to do it so they can make the world a better place for everyone and every animal. I just hope that people will choose to recycle and not throw out their cups. It amazes me to see how many plastic bottles and other recyclable items go either into the trash or just get littered out in the environment. You would think people would want to make their home a healthier and more appealing place, but I guess not. I wonder if any other companies are starting to follow Starbucks lead and make their cups more recyclable. Also I find it huge that Starbucks not only makes each stores cups differently, they find where the cups are being recycled to, and help them out also. It is cool to see such a big name company doing the little things to help our environment. I personally do not drink Starbucks but now when I see my friends with their cups, I will make sure they recycle them because it is the least we can do for them doing so much to help our environment.

    This article shows ten big-name companies and how they are choosing to go green and help the environment. It is cool to see big-name companies leading the way to going green.
