Friday, June 1, 2012

Air Pollution - California Smog

California smog threatens world’s oldest living things, the giant redwoods

By: Associated Press
May 28, 2012

Picture: This picture shows the damage the smog in Sequoia is already causing to a pine tree. 

Summary: The California forest, home to the biggest and oldest Sequoia Redwoods, currently has the worst air pollution our of any national park in the United States. Emily Schrepf of the nonprofit advocacy group the National Park Conservation Association describes the forest, saying, “Ozone levels here are comparable to urban settings such as LA.” The forest has signs warning visitors when it is unsafe to hike, and the government employment site warns the job applicants that the workplace is unhealthy. Also, each year, the workers in the park are briefed on the pollution, and the lung and heart damage it can cause. Annie Esperanza, a park scientist, says, “If this is happening in a national park that isn’t even close to an urban area, what do you think is happening in your backyard?” Many of the closely monitored national parks do not compare to the severity of air pollution Sequoia and its neighbor, Kings Canyon, has. When the sun’s rays hit pollutants, such as oxides of nitrogen and volatile organic compounds that can be found in fertilizers, pesticides, etc, smog is created. Even though it’s only early into the summer ozone season, the level of ozone in Sequoia park has exceeded federal health standards already. Last year in the June to September summer, the park had violations 87 times. Esperanza says, “It’s tragic that the National Park Service is known for clean air, and then you see a sign saying it’s unhealthy to breathe; It’s so contrary to the national parks idea.”
Opinion: After reading this article, I realized how much damage humans are causing on our environment. The trees in the park are thousands of years old, and many people come to see them. It’s a shame to see the park reach unhealthy air pollution levels, and I don’t even want to know the damage the air pollution could be causing on these trees that have been around for an extremely long time. When I hear the word park, I think of a clean, pollution free area. To hear that it’s unhealthy to breathe air in the California forest, and that is can potentially cause serious health issues is tragic. The smog described in the article reminds me of the deadly smog we read about in science class. These are both smogs, and I wonder if the smog and air pollution in the forest in California is caused by the same reasons the deadly smog were caused (thermal inversions, or burning things). I hope something is done to help stop and reduce air pollution. I always knew air pollution was harming our environment, but to actually read about it in this article made me realize how bad air pollution is. 

1) What does the smog/air pollution do that causes this damage on the trees in the forest?
2) In what ways can air pollution be reduced or completely removed, if any? If there are any, why aren't people trying to use these methods to stop air pollution and improve air quality?
3) Has the California forest always been the most polluted national park in the US? If not, then what park used to be more polluted, and how did the California forest become so polluted?


  1. I have to say that out of all the articles I've read so far on the impacts of air pollution, this is by far the most upsetting. The fact that Sequoia Redwood trees, that have been around for so long, through many environmental problems have suddenly become destroyed and are being negatively impacted is clearly showing telling us that there is a major problem in our air. We learned about the Deadly Smog in class, and how 18 people died within a 12 hour period and it was nearly impossible to even see. To think that something like that can happen in a National Park is shocking. I always thought that smog and air pollution were common around urban and industrial areas, but seeing that even a National Park is being contaminated is telling our society that our environment is heading in the wrong direction. I agree with Emily Schrepf when she says that if this is happening in a National Park, what do you think is happening in our backyards? I can not even start to think about being afraid to step in our backyards and play around with friends. This may not be directly related and a little absurd, but I think that when people are saying the world is coming to an end, the end will come faster than it should because of the actions of our society. Whenever I used to think of a National Park, I always thought of a place to go to get some fresh air and relax, but now they are becoming places that are hazardous and risky for human health. I never knew that air pollution can be so serious, that people would have to stop going to the area. I really hope environmentalists find a way to help these trees survive and get the California National Park back to its original state or atleast close to it.


    This link above is a website that explains how air pollution injures trees. It states the pollutants that impact trees and how they are created (Question 1). This website also provides a list of trees that are relatively tolerant to common air pollutants, and it also has a list of trees that are relatively intolerant to common air pollutants. It also provides 2 sets of pictures. It has pictures of healthy pine needles and how they look when effected by air pollution. It also has pictures of healthy maple leaves and pollution injured maple leaves. Overall, this website tells some information on trees and pollution and the connection between the two.

  2. Opinion: This article is very upsetting, and definitely one of the articles that really made me think about our pollution. My mom has always wanted to take me to the Redwoods but if the pollution keeps getting bad that may never be able to happen. It is one thing for humans to affect our own lives, I mean we can control what is going on, but the environment cannot. The environment has to go along with what we are doing to earth, and right now it is not good. Whenever I think about bad pollution areas I always think about cities or industrial areas. I have never thought about a national park to have some of the worst pollution in our country. In class we learned about the deadly smog in Pennsylvania, but again that was near a smelting plant, not a national park. I agree with what Esperanza said about how national parks should be a place of fresh, clean air. I think a national park should be a place where people go to hike and spend time outdoors, not breathe in air pollution and get sick. I hope that we figure out how to reduce our air pollution in the world so that national parks can go back to what they want to, and my mom can fulfill her dream of taking my family to the Redwoods.

    Here is an article about California’s national parks, and how the state is trying to reduce the air pollution in the parks. Some ways they are attempting to reduce the amount of air pollution is by teaching middle school students annually about air pollution, and ways that it can be prevented. Also they are trying to get schools to teach about climate change in their schools.

  3. Opinion: This article is very interesting and was cool to read, but is extremely upsetting and makes me worry even more about the future of our air. When I think of air pollution, I tend to think of cities and huge industrial areas. This article goes to show that air pollution is affecting everyone, everywhere. National Parks are supposed to be beautiful, clean places that people travel the country to visit. If one of our National Parks is so polluted that it had 87 violations last year, it makes me worry about other areas that we breathe air from everyday. Our country needs to find a way to control the amount of pollution that we let enter the air we are breathing in. The amount of air pollution that we produce is not only harming humans, but now it is harming trees, animals and other plants. Red wood trees are amazing and with the amount of pollution in the California Forest future generations will not get to witness their beauty. This connects to my life because my cousins live in California and I went to visit them for the first time when I was in second grade. We took a day trip to this park and saw all of the red wood trees. I have so many pictures and memories from that day. The red woods were amazing and so big compared to me. It is sad to think that this park is unsafe because of the amount of air pollution and that I may not be able to give my children the experience of seeing these trees like I did.

    This is a link all about public safety of the citizens living in Red Wood City, home of the red wood trees and the national park that was mentioned in the article. This link discusses the main causes of saftey issues in the city. The number one cause of these safety issues is air pollution. This link also states ways to stay safe in this city and explains the programs that are being put into action to protect citizens and to prevent air pollution.

  4. Opinion: After reading this article, I found it to be very sad that even in the areas where we would considered the most environmentally friendly, it is not. I have been to some of the red wood forests back in June of 2011 and I did not realize they were having air pollution problems. I think if I had known about this, I probably would not have gone and seen the beautiful trees. Just the thought of breathing in polluted air sickens me and I wish there was one solution to making the air quality good. I agree with Angela when she says it a shame to see parks reach unhealthy air pollution levels. I also found it to be disturbing how smog is made from oxides of nitrogen volatile organic compounds. I keep on reading articles on air pollution and how much of a problem it is having on people and the environment and I cannot stop thinking there has to be a good alternative to this problem. I have been influenced enough about this subject that I think it would like to become a scientist and find a solution to horrible problem.

    This is a website that shows the air quality each day in the redwoods. I think this is important to have a website like this because if people want to go and see the redwoods, they should know how the air quality is. Also it is good for scientists because they can track data for how the air quality changes from day to day and see if there are any patterns that can be controlled and possibly made better.
